
ood day for Falcone Racing! Broke a the DD2 Masters record that was held by Jack Warington of 54.54 back in 2009 when he did it on MG yellows. Today with the help of MHP, Mark Schermerhorn, Delfino, KartSport NA and the Arrow X1-E DD2 we set the new record on Mojos with a blistering time of 54.36.

Thank you all for your help today with this great accomplishment. To top of the day we swept both classes in DD2 masters and Max Masters. Both qualifies, both Heats and both Mains. The Sr 125 motor was very strong yesterday with the Ms93 fuel than we had to stick that crap shell 91 pump fuel in the the gas tank and it never ran right all day. We think it destroyed the fuel pump. You can take that fuel and stick it you know where!!!! There’s a reason why they call Ms93 race fuel and not shit pump fuel!!!